
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Miami, FL
Watkins, J.H. Measuring Cross-Cultural Stimulus-Response on the Internet (July 2010).

Risk Analysis of Complex Systems for National Security, Santa Fe, NM
Watkins, J.H. Jirga: Multi-dimensional tracking of political opposition groups, LA-UR 09-02128 (April 2009). Also presented at Focus 2010 Conference, Chantilly, VA (August 2009).

OLIT Master’s thesis defense, Albuquerque, NM
Watkins, J.H. Official knowledge: Validation mechanisms for knowledge management systems (March 2009).

IAT Management Meeting, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
Watkins, J.H., Prediction markets: Aggregators for organizational knowledge (July 2008).

Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM
Watkins, J.H., Collective decision making systems: An implementation guide (July 2008).

Henry R. Luce Lecture on Complex Systems, Kalamazoo, MI
Watkins, J.H., Collective decision making: From Kalamazoo to Los Alamos (May 2008).

Applying Complexity Science to Org. Design and Multistakeholder Systems, Chicago, IL
Rodriguez, M.A., Watkins, J.H., Distributed collective decision making: From ballot to market, for the National Alliance for Physician Competence, hosted by Innovation Labs (August 2007).

UCLA Conference on Human Complex Systems, Lake Arrowhead, CA
Watkins, J.H., Prediction markets as an aggregation mechanism for collective intelligence (April 2007).

UCLA Conference on Human Complex Systems, Lake Arrowhead, CA
Johnson, N.L, Watkins, J.H., A model of emergent leadership -- for communities, organizations, and defense (April 2007).

Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI
Watkins, J.H., Social networks for collective decision making (January 2007).

iMod: Hacking the Future, Santa Fe, NM
Johnson, N.L., Watkins J.H., Diversity: A weapon of mass construction, LA-UR-03-0735 and 03-3360 (April 2006).

Infectious Ideas Workshop, McLean, VA
Johnson, N.L., Watkins, J.H., Is identity an infectious idea?: Importance, hosted by Mitre Corporation, LA-UR-03-1270 (March 2006).

Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference, Long Beach, CA
Watkins, J.H., Johnson, N.L., Models of human behavior during a pandemic (January 2006).

Complexity of Diversity Colloquium, Ann Arbor, MI
Johnson, N.L., Watkins, J.H., The role of diversity in a complex system, Hosted by the University of Michigan (November 2005).

Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics Symposium, Kalamazoo, MI
Watkins, J.H., Individuals unite!: Generating synergistic understanding through online prediction markets, Paper presentation derived from undergraduate thesis (April 2005).

Southwestern Psychological Assoc. Annual Conference, Memphis, TN
Watkins, J.H., Order of conditioning events matters: A comparison of AX+/A+ vs. A+/AX+ in compound aversion conditioning (March 2005). Prize Recipient: Selected by Association members to receive the H. Wayne Ludvigson Prize for the best student paper presentation. Also received cash award linked to the Ludvigson honor.


Watkins, J.H. “Poppy: Opium Simulation Demo and Overview.” LA-UR-10-05559 (August 2010).